Monday, April 30, 2012


All my life people have underestimated me, written me off and ignored me. Whether it’s because of my shyness or the way that I look, or my tendency to use humour as a defence, I don’t know. 

But then, when I feel brave enough to speak and they listen to what I have to say they see who I really am and I blow them away.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Just Saying....

Never think so little of yourself that you give parts of yourself away for free.

Saturday, April 28, 2012


When it comes to sexual preference, sexuality, some people are determined to use labels.

Label everything and put it into a neat little box. Gay/straight/bi, butch/femme, top/bottom. Well as far as I can see, if you put everything into a neat little box, all you get is boxed in.

We are all just people - with similarities, with differences. Why can't we just enjoy our similarities and accept our differences and move along?

Friday, April 27, 2012

So I'm a Lesbian

Yes, I’m a lesbian, but that should only matter to you if:

a) you want to ask me out on a date, or

b) you want to set me up with your sister.

Internet Friends

I don’t know what the big deal is with people having “internet friends”. In the days before computers and the internet they used to be called “pen friends”.

The principle is basically the same, you’ll probably never actual meet them face to face, but you communicate via the written word (and in this day and age, via video and web cams).

The only real difference is that communication is more instantaneous than the days of the snail mail letters sent to each other.