Saturday, October 19, 2013

Birthday Presents....

That awkward moment when you realise that you buy better birthday presents for your furkids than you do for some of your friends....

Friday, October 18, 2013

Just because....

Just because you are....
better looking....
....than me, it doesn't mean you're a better person than I am....

it just means you're an asshole who's nice to look at....

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

"Online" friends....

I love the internet, it's made the world a smaller place.

One of my favourite thing about being online is all the friends I've made.

I know people from all walks of life, all shapes and sizes who mean a lot to me despite the face I haven't met them.

The internet has made it so easy to communicate, it's opened up a world where you can interact with people you wouldn't necessarily meet through work or your social circle.

We can share aspects of our lives both teaching and learning about different countries, cultures and languages and I think that's amazing.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Some anniversaries suck....

Today marks the 12 month "anniversary" of my mum passing. Her death was sudden and is something that I don't think I'll ever get over.

Mum's best friend described her as a very wise woman, and she was. Wise, funny and the best mother that a child could ever have - the three of us were very lucky to have her.

She loved my sister, brother and I with all her heart. No matter what, she was supportive of who we are and what we each did with our lives.

Mum never interfered or tried to tell us what to do, all she wanted was for us to be happy.

So I'm going to live my life in honour of her. I'm going to be the good person that she raised me to be, and I'm going to be happy....

Thursday, April 25, 2013

ANZAC Day....Lest We Forget

ANZAC Day (25th April) is an important day for Australians and New Zealanders.

It's the anniversary of the first major military involvement by Australian and New Zealand (ANZAC's) armed forces during World War I.

It is now a day of national remembrance for us to remember and thank our Diggers, especially those that have died in battle to ensure our freedom.

So to all our diggers and service animals - thank you xo

Lest We Forget....

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Cat lady status confirmed....

Well, looks like it's official. One of my co-workers called me a crazy cat lady today.

And so it shall be....

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Just Saying....The Environment

We humans think we're so clever. Top of the food chain, masters of our own destiny.

We're slowly kill our animals, our planet by clearing land and polluting our oceans. The earth is paying the price for our over population, paying the price for our greed and ignorance.

But when it comes down to it, it doesn't matter how advanced our technology is or how far we've come in our medical research, we're just mother nature's bitches because she will have the last laugh - we're just too stupid to realise that once we kill the environment, we're next....

Friday, March 15, 2013

The power of words....

Never underestimate the power of's such a shame idiots are allowed to use them.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Same Love....

I can't accurately describe how I felt when I heard this song for the first time - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - Same Love (featuring Mary Lambert).

To hear it on a mainstream radio station was awesome, we've certainly come a long way....

Friday, March 8, 2013

Heather Peace live at The Loft 23/02/2013

I discovered Heather Peace through her acting in the television show Lip Service. When I found out she also sang I must admit I was a little sceptical. Actresses who are want to be pop stars seem to be a dime a dozen.

After watching the video for her song Better Than You on YouTube I realised I was very wrong in my assumption - the woman can sing.

Heather Peace live at The Loft 23/02/2013

When she announced she was touring Australia, I was keen to see her live and I was lucky enough to catch her gig at The Loft on the 23rd of February.

Heather Peace live at The Loft 23/02/2013

Heather puts on an awesome show. I was mainly blown away by how good her voice is live, a recording can not convey just how good it is, how strong and clear.

During the show she also interacted with the audience. Talking to us and answering any questions we wanted to ask, she really knows how to make the audience feel like a part of the show.

Then afterwards she stuck around for awhile and did a meet and greet.

Heather Peace live at The Loft 23/02/2013

They sold copies of her album Fairytales and a couple of different pictures you could get Heather to sign - I brought one of everything :-)

From my brief meeting with her during the signing I can tell you she is even more stunning in person than any picture or video can show. She also seems like a lovely down to earth person who's a bit of a goofball.

This was by far one of my favourite concerts I've been to - ever. If I get the chance to see Heather perform live again, I'll be there in a heartbeat and I recommend you get there too.

In the meantime check out her new single Fight For.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Peter Harvey....Canberra - the loss of a legend

Australian journalist and broadcaster Peter Harvey passed away today after a short battle with pancreatic cancer.

He had been a reporter since before I was born and I can't remember a time when he wasn't on my TV. He informed many generations of people with his political reporting. Filling us in on the goings on in our nations capital and helping the everyday Australian understand the ever confusing beast - the politician.

He has kept me well informed and educated me, helped shape my view of many different topics with his distinctive deep baritone voice and his catchphrase ending of every report.

I never met the man but I will miss him.

Peter Harvey....Canberra.

Over and out.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

My credit card's going to hate me....

I was poking around the internet last week and I found this awesome place called The Bookshop Darlinghurst that's based in Sydney (Australia).

It's been around for twenty years providing a huge selection of LGBT DVD's (and Blu Ray) and books, plus magazines and calendars.

I could easily spend a small fortune at this place but settled on a small-ish order of some DVD's and a book. Before I knew it I'd received an email from the shop to advise my order had been sent. All in all I should receive my things only about 3 days after ordering then - that's impressive.

My only problem now is trying to control credit card's going to hate me!!

Update - 26th February 2013

My order arrived yesterday all bright and shiny and new - guess what I'm doing this weekend....

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Bucket List: Karaoke

I've recently started compiling a bucket list. A list of all the things I've always wanted to do, but haven't gotten around to yet.

One of the items on the list is to sing karaoke.

Last night I went out with some friends to a karaoke night being held by a women's social group (a.k.a. a lesbian group).

I went there with no plans to sing, but later in the evening one of my friends jokingly said we should sing Salt-N-Pepa's - Push It. I jokingly said yes and the next thing I know she's submitted us and we're being called up on stage.

Once upon a time I would have ran for the hills, but with my new attitude to life I decided to embrace it and go for it.

Now we both admitted afterwards that our performance was pretty bad, but the crowd seemed to like it so we were pretty damn happy with ourselves thank you very much.

I had so much fun, I might just sing karaoke again....consider yourself warned!!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

I'll Never Be....

I'll never be good enough, but it doesn't mean I'll stop trying....

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

My Heart....

The problem is convincing my heart to let go of the one that doesn't love it, with the hope of meeting the one that does.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sunday: the Plan v The Reality

The Plan:
Wake up early.
Go for a walk.
Sort through all the photo's on my laptop.

The Reality:

Wake up at 10am.
Surf the internet while watching tennis on TV.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

2013 - My Year....

To say that the last 18 months have been pretty sucky is an understatement. My dad passed away towards the end of 2011 and my mum died last year.

The loss of my parents kicked off a chain reaction for me. I've re-evaluated my life and found that I wasn't living the life I wanted. I've made some huge life decisions and now find myself single and ready to live life to the fullest.

I'm going to start doing things I've always wanted to do, go places, experience things. Basically, I'm determined that this year is going to be my year.

To kick things off I'm going to start getting myself healthier. It's time to lose weight, get fitter and live a healthier, more active lifestyle.

So get ready 2013, here I come....